Jackson is 12 years old and is starting 6th grade
Jensen is 4 years old and is starting Pre-K
Today was such a great day! Our family rose early and started preparing for the new school year. The kids got up quickly as they were excited about their first day of school. They put on their new clothes and shoes and agreed to our annual routine of first day of school pics! Julie took Jackson to school first. He was so excited about being in the Middle School. He has a great teacher and is enjoying more of the freedom that comes with being a middle schooler! We took Judson and Jensen to school next. Judd was a little anxious and not sure what to expect. I could tell he was a little apprehensive as Jason and I left him with his wonderful teacher, Mrs. Kindy and a roomful of students that he didn't know yet. Jensen on the other hand, ran into her room as if she owned it. She was excited to be in a new classroom with a new teacher.
The second and third days of school were hard for Judd. He cried both days when he left for school and then again when his dad dropped him off. Before he left for school, he gave me a huge hug and looked at me with big crocodile tears pouring down his sweet face and said "Mommy, I love you and I just want to stay with you forever. School is so long! Please let me stay home with you!" I consoled Judd and told him that it would only be a few hours before he would see me again. I then hugged and kissed him before his dad took him to the car. My heart sank as he went out the door. I know this is a part of his growing up. I also know that there will come a day when he will not want to hang out with his mom all day. Judd did better by the end of the third day and was starting to get used to the routine. We also realized that if we packed Judd a lunch with particular items that he really likes to eat, he would be more focused on getting to eat lunch, that he wouldn't miss me so terribly. Yes, already I have been replaced in his thoughts by a PB&J sandwich and a juice box!!
As a mom, I love the consistency that the new school year brings. I love knowing what our schedule will be for the day. However, there is a part of me that grieves the loss of summer. I miss the days of sleeping until 10am, being with the kids all day, and having the freedom to do whatever we want to do on that day. I truly am loving this stage of mine and Jason's life. It is such a joy to see our kids at this age! I am looking forward to seeing how God will grow our children this year, not only physically, but spiritually. :)
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