September was a busy month! We had so much going on this month. The kids are back into the routine of a school schedule and our Student Ministry is back in full swing. At the end of the month, we went to Jason's parents home for the weekend. The kids had a great time at the pig farm seeing all the new baby pigs that had been born since we were last there.

This is a great picture of the kids by the pond at PaPa JW and Grandma Kaye's.

While we were in Oklahoma this weekend, we celebrated Jason's Aunt Ruth's 80th birthday. It was good to see some of Jason's extended family members on his Dad's side of the family. Many we had not seen in several years. I helped serve punch at the party. Jensen was so excited and she wanted to help serve punch too! I marveled at the fact that day that even at her young age of 4 years old, God had given her a desire to serve. By watching her that day, I will not be surprised at all if one of her spiritual gifts is hospitality. I snapped this picture of her as she was serving. Isn't she adorable????

We spent every weekend at the Football field as Jackson is playing football this year. He is doing a great job. He did suffer a mild concussion during one of his practices and had to sit out a couple of weeks. Jackson loves playing and we have greatly enjoyed watching our son play a sport that he excels at.

We also enjoyed watching our High School team this fall. Our children love Future Panther Night because they get to wear Panther T-shirts and be on the field when the football teams runs out before the game. God has blessed us with such sweet friends. This is a picture of Judson and Jensen with their precious friends, Marlow and Christopher at a recent game.

Okay, this night really was a LOT of fun! Every year, we have an annual REDNECK NIGHT to welcome our new 6th graders to revolution Student Ministry. We play incredibly silly games like toilet bowl races and tractor tire relays as well as everyone dressing up in their best Redneck costume. This is Jason and I in our best Redneck attire! :)
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